Saturday, November 6, 2010

Final Reflection

I felt that through taking the class CEP 810 I have both grown as a teacher and as a student of technology. The sessions each week were displayed in a way that many learning styles were able to be met. The videos were able to clarify and enhance concepts that I either had little knowledge on or that were a bit confusing. There were many technology concepts that I was able to either use myself, use in my classroom, or will try it in the future. I feel that my growth was supported by actually being able to try many concepts, such as Zoho, Jing, and Prezi. Part of my personal growth plan earlier in the semester was to use technology in three ways. They were to: expand my growth in using technology, to use one new technology concept in my classroom each week, and to share new technology with my peers at work.

These were the technology concepts that I brought into my classroom:

  1. Jing: I used this to capture images of students drawing food chains on our interactive white board. We then came back to the images and used the editing tool to turn the food chain into a food web.
  2. Ideas from a blog that I followed: There was a blog that showed ideas for kindergarten. Our classroom, is buddies with a kindergarten classroom and for a craft we used the idea of creating a brace map to display the parts of a scarecrow.
  3. RSS feed ideas: I have used videos from my RSS feed in the classroom. Some include: synonym game and place value site.
  4. Creative Commons: Students have practiced siting images they have used from the internet when working in groups.
  5. Prezi: I created a storyboard for the book we read "Our Only May Amelia."
  6. I used this with book clubs on new vocabulary they came across as they read.
  7. I created a Smilebox creation depicting highlights from our Halloween party.
These were the technology concepts I shared with peers at my school:
  1. Google Docs
  2. Prezi
  3. Jing
  4. RSS feeds
  5. Delicious bookmarks
These were the technology concepts that I have continued to use in my everyday life:
  1. TPACK to help with my organization
  2. Google Docs, Google Reader, and Google Presentation
  3. Jing
  4. Delcious bookmarks
  5. Interactive Whiteboard information from the SIG presentations
I feel that I would have liked to grow a little more in understanding cloud computing. I tried to do some of my own research to better understand the concept and some of the apps available for teaching. I felt that my limitation to learning more about cloud computing was that since I only really understand it in the world of Google apps that I am constricted when trying to learn about it in other ways.
I also would have liked to learn more lessons that I could actually integrate into the classroom. There were a lot of technology resources available throughout the course but I felt that they were more helpful on an individual basis. However, I found discussion forum for lessons that integrated NETS-S resourceful.

Some concepts that I have learned about effective teaching strategies when integrating technology are that first using it through modeling and then slowly releasing responsibility demonstrates scaffolding. Also, having students work in groups allow for them to problem solve first amongst themselves compared to coming straight to the teacher. One of my goals in my personal growth plan was for the students to have more self-discovery compared to me jumping into help and explaining each time. Since the course started I have released more technology responsibility to the students. I always model first so they can see the goal of the lesson in action. Students have been using some ideas that I got from MSU EduTech on MACUL Space. An example of this is that they have been doing group presentations using Prezi about long vowel words.

Integrating the Internet has helped me to think and evaluate the uses of technology in the fact that there are so many resources out there. From following a few 4th grade blogs, I was able to gain some sites to use in my classroom for all subjects. I even was able to uses a few sites on the same concept, such as place value and vocabulary. Also, I have become more aware of the fact that I need to have a critical eye when using the Internet since there is so much out there. Using quality control is really important so that they the technology used in the classroom is actually enhancing learning and not hampering or wasting valuable class time just to say it was utilized.

I feel that the assignment that I turned in that really exemplified good teaching with technology was the Personal Learning Network Visualization Plan. I like to use project based learning as much as possible. I feel that this project was opened ended so that I, as a student, could use the type of technology that meshes best with my learning style. I decided to use iMovie since integrating sound, pictures, and movement is very hands on.

I also found that the SIG project was an amazing opportunity. I was very hesitant to learn that there would be an online group project. I did not know how this could be possible. However, through the use of Google Docs, Google Presentation, and especially Google Chat, our group came together. It was incredible to see our group talking to one another online while we edited our project. It truly showed that online collaboration is possible.

As I look back at my Personal Growth Plan, I had three main goals. One was to integrate at least one new technology each week in my classroom so that students could have more self-discovery compared to being so teacher directed. A second was to share technology tips with peers at my school. Finally, the third was to increase my technology skill set. As highlighted above I was able to meet all of these goals. I feel that I became well rounded from this class since my goals were not only centered around my classroom or myself, but also to share technology tips with my peers. I even have shown my family some new sites and tips that awed them, such as Jing and Delicious.

A new goal I have for myself is to begin a blog for my classroom as noted in my Technology Plan. I feel that it would be beneficial for parents and other educators to gain an insight into our classroom each day. I see it starting as teacher directed but then students could take turns writing a post about each day of school. I will reach this goal by continuing to look at mentor blogs, such as the 4th grade blogs I follow on my Google Reader. I will also try to gain feedback from families and teachers at school as to the type of information they would like to see in the blog.

My long-term goal after this course is to continue widening the scope of my technology knowledge. I signed up to take CEP 811 in the spring and will take CEP 812 in the summer. I plan to keep integrating technology into my classroom daily and hope there will be professional development opportunities possible each year. I became more confident in my use of technology throughout this course and believe it will continue to grow and expand.